Our full-service content development service is the easiest way to get best-in-class elearning that’s designed to meet your unique needs.
From first concept to final delivery
We’ll work with your subject experts to ensure that your bespoke elearning is:
engaging and user-friendly
rooted in sound educational principles
in line with your brand and values.
We’re driven by learning needs, not technology. So as much as we love games, video and animation – we’ll only suggest them if they’re right for your material and the outcomes you need.
Whatever approach you choose for your content, our range of in-house expertise lets us streamline production time and costs by pulling in the right skills at the right moment: from instructional design and storyboarding to audio editing and animation.
A creative collaboration
Developing elearning with us is a collaborative process between your subject matter expert and our team of instructional and media designers.
High level design
We work with your team to fully understand your objectives, existing material and requirements for your elearning. We create a high-level design that outlines the content, structure and style for the course.
Full outline
Our instructional designers outline the concepts, terminology, level of detail and sequencing for each section of the course. This gives you a clear outline for checking, adding or deleting content.
Next we provide you with a full draft of the course content to review and sign off. Storyboards detail the actual words, interactions, graphics and other media that will be used.
Course build
First we make a prototype, with a small sample of content, so you can review the course styling and test it on your LMS/hardware. Alpha and beta builds add more content and media – ensuring all text and timings are correct before any voiceover or final editing takes place.
Final delivery
We provide you with a fully tested, SCORM compliant package to upload to the learning management system of your choice. We’ll also supply all the source files and media assets.
"The empathy of the Can Studios designers – their ability to understand the non-sighted learner experience – was immediately obvious. We were impressed by how hard they worked to make using the course via screen reader smooth, enjoyable and engaging."
Annie Hourston
Head of Learning and Skills,
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association

Get in touch
We can’t wait to hear what you want from your elearning.
Let’s see how we can help you get the best results for your learners, your business and your budget.